In this small piece of code i used the enums, it checks if the task that is done is of a certain type of objective. This would be Work, Clean or Things. These 3 would be part of checking whether the task is something that's at that point active in a objective or not.
Everything that's been written in the objectives is then updated once the exam room is active. A different script will keep track of the progress and give that information to the clipboard.
This is how it looks in the editor
The VR training room. This is made for the first use in vr, it shows the player what is possible to do, starting with teleporting, then seeing the clipboard with their first missions and a broom to pick up to show you how that works in our training. And after that the computer with some temperatures on it, leading up to a room with a valve that can be switched. Once you complete it the last door will take you to the starting room of our experience.
The doors in this part of the experience worked different to the other doors, so I had to remake the door script to do what i wanted, and that turned out this way:
For our project i needed to get some interaction going. We have buttons that need to be pressed, but with OVR we don’t have the right collisions to check for these kind of inputs. So how to fix this? Create new colliders on the hands. But since they move around a ton we need to make sure these colliders also move around with the hands. And that means redrawing them.

This script is used to create hands in OVR. It's pretty self explanatory so let’s just use this to create the new script. Using the blog since they write out how it works what we need.

We need to add a few things to the script. First we check the bones created by the script with a foreach loop in the first already created method.
Here you can find out what I did with programming:
18-19-20-21 Programming some animations
25-26 Creating a graph for our computer screens.
30-31-32-33-34 Creating the rules for our tasks lists using enums and easy to adjust editor settings.
35-35 Creating the tutorial for our experience
39-40-41 Adjusting scripts from OVR so it creates hitboxes on the hands
44-45 updating our rooms, creating win conditions and keeping the score in between.