Here you can see 2 clear differences in my skill level that I have gone trough. Using new techniques and software to create more lifelike models.
This is the end result of replacing the models I finished in mudbox, with models I created in Substance Painter.
Here you can see the progress I made when using mudbox and maya. And a final piece I adjusted with Photoshop to create the details.
The last project I made in Mudbox. Before switching to Substance Painter
The following pages of my portfolio show my process of how I learned these things, and what I did to create it:

9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17 Getting better at using maya.
18-19-20-21-22-23 Models that became the first project for animation.
27-28-29-30 Creating new models for the project.
49-50 Mudbox first attempt.
52-53-54 Mudbox Painting.
56-57-58-59-60-61 Replacing models finished in mudbox, by models finished in Substance Painter